


(Rubus chamaemorus)


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cloudberry illustration

Illustration of Rubus chamaemorus

Managing Wild Bog Blueberry, Lingonberry, Cloudberry and Crowberry Stands in Alaska.
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Cloudberry Bibliography

The Industry

Rapp, K.; Næss, S.K.; and H.J. Swartz. 1993. Commercialization of the Cloudberry (Rubus chamaemorus L.) in Norway. Pages 524-526 In New crops. Janick, J; and J.E. Simon. Wiley, NY.

General Reference

Taylor, K. 1971. Rubus chamaemorus. Pages 293-306 In Biological flora of the British Isles. L. J. Ecol. 59.

Cloudberry. Native Plants of Alaska: A Guide for Producing and Cultivating. HGA-00232-E. University of Alaska Fairbanks.

Cloudberry. NewCrop Factsheet. Purdue University. Centre for New Crops and Plant Products.

Botany, Ecology and Taxonomy

Karst, Amanda. 2005. The ethnoecology and reproductive ecology of bakeapple (Rubus chamaemorus L., Rosaceae) in southern Labrador. M.Sc Thesis, University of Victoria, B.C.

Oswald, W.W. 2003. Pollen-vegetation calibration for tundra communities in the Arctic foothills, northern Alaska. J Ecol. 91(6) : 1022-1033.

Baskin, C.J. and Baskin, J.M. 1998. Chapter 10: A Geographical Perspective on Germination Ecology: Temperate and Arctic Zones. Pages 331 to 458 In
Seeds: Ecology, Biogeography and Evolution in Dormancy and Germination, Academic Press.

Dumas, P. 1987. Rapport des sexes, effort et succes de reproduction chez Rubus chamaemorus, plante herbacee vivace dioique de distribution subarctique., Can. J Bot. 65 (12) : 2628-2639.

Agren, J. 1987. Intersexual differences in phenology and damage by herbivores and pathogens in dioecious Rubus chamaemorus L. Oecologia. 72 (2): 161-169.

Savory, Diana Ruth. 1983. Aspects of the biology of Rubus chamaemorus L. (bakeapple) in Newfoundland and Labrador. M.Sc. Thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's.

Physiology and Morphology

Debnath, Samir C. 2007. A two-step procedure for in vitro multiplication of cloudberry
(Rubus chamaemorus L.) shoots using bioreactor. Plant Cell Tissue Organ Cult. 88 (2) : 185-191.

Martinussen, I. 2004. In vitro propagation of cloudberry (Rubus chamaemorus).
Plant Cell Tissue Organ Cult. 78 (1) : 43-49.

Martinussen, I., Nilsen, G., Svenson, L., Junttila, O. and Rapp, K. 2004. In vitro propagation of cloudberry (Rubus chamaemorus L.). Plant Cell Tissue Organ Cult.. 4351: 1-7.

Thiem, B. 2003. Flow cytometric analysis of nuclear DNA content in cloudberry (Rubus chamaemorus L.) in vitro cultures. Plant Sci. 164 (1) : 129-134.

Martinussen, I., G. Nilsen, A. Ernstsen & O. Junttila. 2002. Fruit development in cloudberry (Rubus chamaemorus L.). Page 341 In 13th Congress of the Federation of European Societies of Plant Physiology. Kalliopi A. Roubelakis – Angelakis. Hersonissos, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, 2-6 September 2002. (Poster 127)

Nilsen, G., I. Martinussen, A. Erntsen, T. Bhuvaneswari & O. Junttila. 2002. Involvement of Gibberellins during Fruit Development in Cloudberry (Rubus chamaemorus). Proceedings of the Eighth International Rubus and Ribes Symposium. R. M. Brennan, S. L. Gordon, B. Williamson. Acta Hort. 585 (2): 517-519.

Korpelainen, H. 1999. Clonal structure of Rubus chamaemorus populations: comparison of different molecular methods. Plant Ecol. 143 (1) : 123-128.

Peacock, D.N. 1996. Pregermination studies with liquid nitrogen and sulfuric acid on
several Rubus species. HortScience. 31 (2) : 238-239.

Korpelainen, H. 1994. Sex ratios and resource allocation among sexually reproducing plants of Rubus chamaemorus. Ann Bot. 72 (6) : 627-632.

Naess, S.K. 1993. Chromosome loss following interspecific hybridization Rubus chamaemorus L. Acta Hort. (352) : 421-428.

Agren, J. 1989. Seed size and number in Rubus chamaemorus: between-habitat variation, and effects of defoliation and supplemental pollination. J. Ecol. 77 (4) : 1080-1092.

Agren, J. 1988. Sexual differences in biomass and nutrient allocation in the dioecious Rubus chamaemorus. Ecology. 69 (4) : 962-973.

Agren, J. 1988. Between-year variation in flowering and fruit set in frost-prone and
frost-sheltered populations of dioecious Rubus chamaemorus. Oecologia. 76 (2) : 175-183.

Agren, J. 1986. Pollination by deceit, floral sex ratios and seed set in dioecious Rubus chamaemorus L. Oecologia. 70 (3) : 332-338.

Kaurin, A. 1982. Vegetative growth and frost hardiness of cloudberry (Rubus chamaemorus) as affected by temperature and photoperiod., Physiologia plantarum. 55 (2) : 76-81.

Kaurin, A. 1981. Seasonal changes in frost hardiness in cloudberry (Rubus chamaemorus) in relation to carbohydrate content with special reference to sucrose. Physiol Plant. 52 (2) : 310-314.

Eide, F. 1981. On the pollen morphology of Rubus chamaemorus L. (Rosaceae). Grana. 20 (1) : 25-27.

Warr, H.J. 1979. Germination studies of bakeapple (cloudberry) seeds. Can J Plant Sci. Jan 1979. v. 59 (1), p. 69-74. ill.

Warr, H. J., Savory, D. R. and Bal, A. K. 1979. Germination studies of bakeapple (cloudberry) seeds. Can. J. Plant Sci. 59, 69-74. .

Chemistry and Bacteriology

Maatta-Riihinen, K.R. 2004. Identification and quantification of phenolic compounds in berries of Fragaria and Rubus species (family Rosaceae). J. Agric Food Chem. 52 (20) : 6178-6187.

Junttila, O. 2002. Parthenocarpic fruit development in cloudberry (Rubus chamaemorus
L.) is induced by 3beta-hydroxylated gibberellins. J Hortic Sci Biotechnol. 77 (1) : 9-12.

Manninen, P. 1997. Supercritical fluid chromatography-gas chromatography of volatiles in cloudberry (Rubus chamaemorus) oil extracted with supercritical carbon dioxide. Journal of chromatography. 787 (1/2) : 276-282.

Manninen, P. 1997. Large-scale supercritical carbon dioxide extraction and supercritical carbon dioxide countercurrent extraction of cloudberry seed oil. J. Agric Food Chem. 45 (7) : 2533-2533.

Mylnikov, S.V. Effect of juices from yellow and red cloudberry on lipid peroxidation in Drosophila melanogaster J. Agric. Food Chem. 53 (20) : 7728 -7733.

Soil Improvement

Kokko, H.; H. Teittinen, H.; and S. Kärenlampi. 2004. Revegetation of petland for cloudberry cultivation. Wise Use of peatlands, 12th International Congress, Tampere, Finland, 6-11 June, 2004.

Fertilizer Research

Heerwaarden, L.M. van. 2003. Nitrogen and phosphorus resorption efficiency and proficiency in six-arctic bog species after 4 years of nitrogen fertilization. J. Ecol. 91 (6) : 1060-1070.

Pollinating Insects

Pelletier, L. 2001. Entomophily of the cloudberry (Rubus chamaemorus). Entomol. Exp. Appl. 101 (3) : 219-224.

Plant Insects and Pests - General

Kasimos, Constantinos. 2003. A survey of nematodes associated with bakeapple (Rubus chamaemorus, L.) on La Manche bog, Newfoundland. B.Sc. Thesis, Memorial Unversity of Newfoundland, St.John’s, NL.

Plant Diseases - General

Holst-Jensen, A. 1994. Sclerotiniaceous species on Rubus chamaemorus: morphoanatomical and RFLP studies. Mycol Res. 98 (pt.8) : 923-930.


Rey, A.I. 2005. Use of natural food/plant extracts: cloudberry (Rubus chamaemorus),
beetroot (Beta vulgaris "vulgaris") or willow herb (Epilobium angustifolium) to reduce lipid oxidation of cooked pork patties. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft und - Technologie. Food Sci Tech. 38 (4) : 363-370.

