

Tatjana Živković

Dr. Tatjana (Tanja)ÌýŽivković

Postdoctoral Researcher

PhD in GeographyÌýat McGill University (Montreal, Canada)Ìý
Ìý ÌýBiological nitrogen fixation in ombrotrophic peatlands
MSc in BiologyÌýat Villanova UniversityÌý(Pennsylvania, USA)Ìý
Ìý ÌýInputs of nitrogen to boreal bogs of northern Alberta, Canada: The importance of biological N2Ìý´Ú¾±³æ²¹³Ù¾±´Ç²Ô.
BSc in Biology at Villanova University (Pennsylvania, USA)
Ìý ÌýImpacts of rising sea levels and salinity intrusion on the metabolic activity and community composition of sulfate reducing bacteria in tidal freshwater marsh sediments


My researchÌýintegrates biogeochemistry and ecosystem ecology to study nutrient cycling in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. I have been fascinated by biological nitrogen fixation and symbiotic relationships between plants and diazotrophic microbes in peatlands. During my doctoral and postdoctoral work, I studied abiotic and biotic drivers of nitrogen fixation ¾±²ÔÌýSphagnum-diazotrophic associations in the context of global and climate change. My current research focuses on N2Ìýfixation and diazotrophs community composition across the water column in the meromictic Powell Lake (BC).ÌýMost recently, I have also been investigating potentialÌýeffects of Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement (OAE) on the marine microbiome.


Norby RJ, Baxter T,ÌýŽivković T, Weston DJ. 2023. .ÌýEcology and Evolution,Ìý13(9), e10542.

Piatkowski BT, Carper DL, Carrell AA, ...,ÌýŽivković T, Weston DJ. 2022. Draft Metagenome Sequences of theÌýSphagnumÌý(Peat Moss) Microbiome from Ambient and Warmed Environments across Europe.ÌýMicrobiology Resource Announcements.Ìýe00400-22.

Helbig M,ÌýŽivković T, Alekseychik P.Ìýet al.Ìý2022.Ìý.ÌýNature Climate Change.Ìý

Živković T, Helbig M, Moore TR. 2022. Seasonal and spatial variability of biological N2Ìýfixation in a cool temperate bog.ÌýJournal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences,Ìý127:e2021JG006481.
Ž¾±±¹°ì´Ç±¹¾±Ä‡Ìý°Õ,ÌýDisney K, Moore TR. 2017.ÌýVariations in nitrogen and phosphorus and δ15N ofÌýSphagnumÌýmosses along a climatic and atmospheric deposition gradient, eastern Canada. Botany, 95:829-839.

Kearns PJ, Weston NB, BowenÌýJL,ÌýŽ¾±±¹°ì´Ç±¹¾±Ä‡Ìý°Õ, VileÌýMA. 2016.ÌýTidal freshwater marshes harbor phylogentically unique clades of sulfate reducers that are resistant to climate-change induced salinity intrusion. Estuaries and Coasts.ÌýDOI 10.1007/s12237-016-0067-3.
Vile MA, Wieder RK,ÌýŽivković T, Scott KD, Vitt DH, Hartsock JA, ...Wykoff DD. 2014.ÌýN2-fixation by methanotrophs sustains carbon and nitrogen accumulation in pristine peatlands.ÌýBiogeochemistry, 121:317-328.
PrÅ¡a* T.ÌýClimate change under the microscope: How will sea-level rise impact microbes in Delaware River marsh soils. 2010.ÌýDelaware Estuary Newsletter. Vol. 20 (2) (non-peer reviewed article, *former last name).