

LAWS 2001 ‑ Maritime Law and Practice (Maritime Law I)


Maritime Law is essential to international trade by facilitating the safe, orderly, secure and environmentally sound movement of goods and people. This course is a general introduction to maritime law as it is developed and practiced in Canada. Particular topics of the course include the Federal Court of Canada (as the Admiralty Court), maritime law jurisdiction, ship legal personality, ownership and registration, marine insurance, maritime safety (standard of good seamanship, collision avoidance rules, death and personal injury, contributory negligence, limitation of liability), pilotage, towage, salvage, vessel-source pollution and compensation claims, maritime securities and their enforcement through the action in rem and conflict of laws issues. The course complements International Trade and Shipping, Ocean Law & Policy, and Law of the Sea. This course is a required course for the Marine Law Specialization Certificate.

Assessment Method: 75% 3 hour examination and 25% mid-term assignment.