

Forages in Organic Production

Practical Resources

    • FiBL. 2017
    • Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. 2012
    • Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. 2012
    • eOrganic. 2012
    • The BHU Future Farming Centre. 2014
    • eOrganic. 2012
    • Organic Research Centre. 2011
  •   [PDF - 603 kB]
    • OACC. 2008
  • [PDF - 1.3 MB]
    • University of Minnesota. 2010

Scientific Results

Forages for livestock

    • Agricultural and Food Science (2004) 13: 309-325
    • Agronomy Research (2009) 7: 684-690
    • Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems (2013) 96: 93-105
    • Field Crops Research (2014) 169: 99-106
    • Organic Agriculture (2016) 6: 307-322

Forages in crop rotations

    • Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2013) 93: 809-816
    • Agronomy Journal (2014) 106: 309-314
    • Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment (1996) 57: 189-196
    • Agronomy Journal (2015) 107: 1641-1652
    • Organic Agriculture (2011) 1: 147-159
    • Organic Eprints. 2012
    • Agronomy Journal (2001) 93: 1086-1096

    • Journal of Sustainable Agriculture (2010) 34: 821-835
    • Agronomy Journal (2002) 94: 240-250
    • Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2010) 90: 403-420
    • Journal of Production Agriculture (1995) 8: 521-529
    • Field Crops Research (2017) 210: 1-8

Forage nutrients and soil quality

    • Biological Agriculture & Horticulture (2015) 31: 177-192
    • Plant and Soil (1992) 141: 155-175
    • Plant and Soil (1992) 141: 137-153
    • Biology and Fertility of Soils (1994) 17: 269-275
    • Arid Land Research and Management (1993) 7: 1-13
    • Applied Soil Ecology (2011) 48: 219-226
    • Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2011) 91: 1071-1076
    • Grass and Forage Science (2014) 69: 285-293
    • Nature (1998) 396:262-265
    • Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2005) 85: 645-648
    • Journal of Environmental Quality (2004) 33: 1509-1520
    • Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (2013) 28: 59-69
    • Plant and Soil (2013) 371: 237-255
    • Organic Eprints. 2013
    • Organic Eprints. 2007
    • Grass and Forage Science (1992) 47: 366-374
    • Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Plant Soil Science (2011) 61: 164-175
    • Agronomy Journal (2013) 105: 845-853
    • Compost Science and Utilization (2005) 13: 252- 261
    • Agronomy Journal (1995) 87: 1063-1069
    • Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (2012) 27: 180-191
    • Agronomy Journal (2017) 109: 1697-1706
    • Agronomy Journal (1994) 86: 543-549

Forages and weeds

    • Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2007) 87: 973-983
    • Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (2017) 32: 28-32
    • Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2000) 80: 187–198
    • European Journal of Agronomy (2013) 49: 158-167


For additional information on the roles of forages in organic cropping and livestock systems, please see the Livestock Grazing page and the Integration of Livestock page.