

The Ecology and Environmental Effects of Organic Agriculture

General resources on the ecological and environmental impacts of organic agriculture

Practical Resources

    • Prairie Organics: Think Whole Farm Recorded Presentations. 2016
  • [PDF - 979 kB]
    • Natural Systems Agriculture. 2013
    • Prairie Organics: Think Whole Farm Recorded Presentations. 2016
  • [PDF - 315 kB]
    • European Union Integrated Project "Quality Low Input Food". 2009
  • [PDF – 3.4MB]
    • The Organic Center. 2017
    • ATTRA. 2013
    • FiBL. 2017
  • [PDF - 82 kB]
    • Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture. 2014
    • IFOAM. 2015

    • Organic Eprints. 2014
  • [PDF - 1.2 MB]
    • IFOAM. 2010
    • Natural Systems Agriculture. 2016
    • Prairie Organics: Think Whole Farm Recorded Presentations. 2016
  • [PDF - 962 kB]
    • IFOAM. 2011
  • [PDF - 2.0 MB]
    • Rodale Institute
  • The Science Behind Organic Environmentalism Video
  • Special Information on Food Waste:
    • [PDF - 2.1 MB]
    • FAO. 2014
    • [PDF - 2.7 MB]
    • FAO. 2014
  • [PDF - 6.1 MB]
    • FiBL. 2015
    • University of Minnesota. 2010

Scientific Results

    • Advances in Agronomy (2001) 70: 261-262
    • Agronomy for Sustainable Development (2009) 29: 1-6
    • International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability (2010) 8: 186-198
    • British Food Journal (2009) 111: 1028-1061
    • Sustainability (2016) 8(9): 957
    • Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2012) 92: 981-996
    • Journal of Cleaner Production (2014) 69: 49-59
    • PLoS ONE (2016) 11(8): e0161673
    • International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability (2009) 7: 19-41
    • Organic Eprints. 2009
    • Journal of Sustainable Agriculture (2012) 36: 599-619
    • European Journal of Agronomy (2010) 32: 73-79
    • Journal of Environmental Management (2012) 112: 309-320
    • Livestock Science (2011) 139: 109-121
    • Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (2012) 27: 242-250
    • Critical Reviews in Plant Science (2011) 30: 64-73
    • Agricultural Systems (2011) 104: 315-325
    • Livestock Science (2013) 151: 271-283
    • Journal of Cleaner Production (2010) 18: 1431-1439
    • Organic Agriculture (2011) 1: 167-185
    • BioScience (2005) 55: 573-582
    • Critical Reviews in Plant Science (2011) 30: 95-124
    • Advances in Agronomy (2016) 139: 99-152
    • Journal of Environmental Management (2015) 149: 193-208
    • Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2009) 89: 621-628
    • CAB Reviews (2012) 7, No. 010
    • Journal of Cleaner Production (2015) 104: 40-51
    • Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (2016) 31: 72-85
    • Journal of Crop Improvement (2004) 11: 61-80
    • Agronomy for Sustainable Development (2013) 33: 581-592
    • Sustainability (2010) 2: 3747-3776
    • Agricultural Systems (2017) 153: 81-93
    • Agricultural Systems (2008) 96: 95-107
    • Journal of Cleaner Production (2016) 410: 654-66
    • Journal of Cleaner Production (2016) 112: 2462-2471
    • Agricultural Systems (2011) 104: 217-232
    • Journal of Cleaner Production (2012) 27: 11-20
    • Plant Management Network. 2006
    • British Food Journal (2009) 111: 1098-1119
    • animal (2012) 6: 1722-1730
    • European Journal of Agronomy (2017) 83: 15-27
    • Agronomy for Sustainable Development (2011) 31: 699-707
    • Nature Plants (2016) 2: 15221
    • Journal of Cleaner Production (2013) 54: 133-141
    • Organic Agriculture (2011) 1: 1-16
    • Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment (2015) 202: 223-231
    • Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2015) 95: 1049-1072
    • European Journal of Agronomy (2012) 44: 98-108
    • Nature (2009) 461: 472-475
    • Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (2016) 31: 375-386
    • Agronomy for Sustainable Development (2013) 33: 593-608
    • Environmental Management (2008) 42: 989-1001
    • Proceedings of the Nutrition Society (2015) 74: 83-88
    • Journal of Cleaner Production (2017) 149: 335-348
    • Organic Eprints. 2012


Resources on specific aspects of the ecological and environmental impacts of organic agriculture