

Harold Chute

The NSAC Alumni selected Dr. Harold L. Chute, Class of '44, to be the recipient of the Distinguished Alumnus Award for 1994. In the citation, considerable detail was noted on his distinguished career as a teacher, scientist and administrator. His equally impressive record of service to the community was also noted. In 1976 the NSAC recognized Dr. Chute by naming him an Honourary Associate of the College.

He was raised in the community of Margaretsville on the north mountain of the Annapolis Valley. After receiving his DVM, he was appointed Animal Pathologist with the Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture and Marketing and later accepted the position of Assistant Professor of Animal Pathology at the University of Maine.

He returned to studies in the early fifties, obtained a Masters in Veterinary Pathology from Ohio Sate University and later a Doctorate of Veterinary Science from the University of Toronto. At Maine, he moved rapidly through Assistant, Associate to Full Professor in 1955, a position he held for 22 years. For 11 of these years, Dr. Chute was also director of the Pullorum-Typhoid Testing Service.

In 1969 Harold moved into University Administration and was Director of Development for the University of Maine until 1977 when he took a leave of absence to develop Chute Chemical company of which he is President. Harold and his wife Marion have two daughters, one son and two grandchildren.