

Ulrike Werner‑Zwanziger

Dr. Ulrike Werner-Zwanziger,

Diplom (Münster, Germany)                     Dr. rer. nat. (Münster, Germany)
(902) 494-8085

I joined the facility in October 2003 and oversee the 700 MHz and 400 MHz solid state Bruker Avance NMR spectrometers in the chemistry room 127.

Previously, I was the manager of the NMR facility (liquid and solid state NMR) at Indiana University, USA, a visiting scientist with Professor H.W. Spiess at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research in Mainz, Germany, a postdoctoral fellow with Professor Mark Hollingsworth at Indiana University, and a postdoctoral fellow with Professor A. Pines at the University of California at Berkeley, California, USA.

My research has addressed topics from organic, inorganic, and physical Chemistry, biochemistry, materials characterization, and NMR technique development. Samples studied were of both academic and industrial interest and origin. My main emphasis is in the solid state NMR field.

My detailed CV can be viewed with the following pdf files: