

Karl Harvey

Karl Harvey was born in Maugerville, New Brunswick in 1923. We was well-known throughoutthe Province as a constant promoter of the agriculture industry, and participated fully in various farm organizations. Karl was a leader in the marketing of farm produce and through his high visibility, be became a spokesperson for the industry, for the family farm and its place in society, and for innovation within farm business management.

At the age of eight, Karl was already involved in the family business, working with his father on the farm and at the Fredericton Market. He attended the Maugerville school and later studied as a machinist. Karl joined the Air Force and was a flight instructor throughout the Second World War. It was during this time that he met his future wife Violet (Vicki) Fincher. After the war, Karl left the forces and worked as a machinist for several years, but this was not to be his lifelong career.

In 1949, Karl took over the family farm. At that time, it was a mixed operation, with pigs and dairy as well as vegetables. Along the way, he had also begun his family, with he and Vicki eventually raising a daughter and three sons. In 1952, he started his roadside market, which has over the years become a prominent landmark on the highway outside Fredericton. In the courtyard stands a giant sculpture which lends the market the name which is so well-known: the Big Potato. The business has grown steadily over the years, and continues to expand. It is still a Harvey family business, and remains built on a reputation for quality local product.

Karl was always heavily involved in his community and took great pride in being able to provide work for so may people. He also felt that paid employment was excellent training and experience for young people and many local folk recall fondly their days as youngsters, working on the Harvey operations. He was often seen leading school tours around the farm and never missed a chance to expose the general public to agriculture, often being heard on open line shows, and always making himself available to the press. In addition to serving on the local school board, Mr. Harvey was very active in the New Brunswick Federation of Agriculture, serving as director and as President. He also was active in the Maugerville-Sheffield Agricultural Society, which today awards the Karl Harvey Memorial Scholarship annually to a deserving agriculture student from the area. Karl was also active in his church and in other community activities.

Karl's children, Marilyn, John, Gordon and Dave, remember him as an outstanding family man and a fine role model. The agricultural community of New Brunswick admires his outstanding leadership qualities, his fine work as a farmer and produce retailer, his dedication to the industry and the people in it, and his exceptional personality.

Nominated by the New Brunswick Federation of Agriculture, the late Karl Harvey is a worthy recipient of induction into the Atlantic Agricultural Hall of Fame.