

David Mol

Prince Edward Island Inductee - 2022

Environmental responsibility is a cornerstone in David Mol’s farm operations, making him a leader in PEI’s agricultural community. Born in 1950, David began working at the age of seven, when his family farmed beef cattle, tobacco, and sugar beets in Chatham, Ontario. The family moved to Winsloe, PEI in 1962, where they began operating Meadowbrook Farms, a beef cattle operation.

After obtaining a business degree and real estate certification, David returned home to continue tending the family’s herd of Limousin and Charolais cows and calves. From 1972-1988 he also operated Mol Real Estate. As his personal business thrived, the decision was made to move away from the challenges of beef production. The farm transitioned to a cash crop production emphasizing seed grain production. In 1976, David started producing soybeans, and for more than 20 years the farm was used by the Charlottetown Agriculture Research Station for its winter cereal plots. Today, the farm produces a wide variety of vegetables, flax, canola, oilseed, soybeans, and malt barley on 1300 acres, including 70 acres of organic production.

David is known for adopting innovative initiatives, paving the way for fellow producers to integrate sustainable practices into their own operations. Meadowbrook Farms practices minimum three-year crop rotation, and on-farm composting, applying compost to the land to further build organic matter. David practices responsible storm water management with the conversion of an old manure lagoon to a pond for waterfowl and muskrats. Two holding ponds for storm water retain water after severe weather events, preventing flooding downstream and replenishing ground water.

For David, environmental responsibility extends beyond the farm gate. The farms owns the land adjacent to the headwaters of Ellen’s Creek Watershed, an area critical for brook trout. An extended buffer has been established to protect this habitat, with white spruce hedgerows to further guard the stream and springs. The farm participates in the Alternative Land Use Program, which helps farmers reduce soil erosion, increase wildlife habitat, and reduce the impacts of climate change. Operating within the city limits of Charlottetown, David recognizes that proper environmental stewardship is essential.

David has given of his time and talents to many industry organizations. For 36 years he took on a variety of roles within the Maritime Branch of the Canadian Seed Growers’ Association (CSGA). On the national level, he served on the CSGA Board for 15 years, including a term as President. David was a founding member of the Atlantic Grains Council and acted as PEI’s grain and oilseed industry representative on the Council from 1986-2021. For 17 years David has been a Board member of the PEI Federation of Agriculture, including two terms as President.

Nominated by the PEI Federation of Agriculture for his exceptional environmental stewardship and dedicated industry leadership, David Mol is a deserving inductee into the Atlantic Agricultural Hall of Fame.